Frequently asked questions

How do I get a registration?
A referral for camp is mandatory with registrations available through all local schools, Community Resource Centres, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Club, Housing Co-op offices. If you are unable to obtain an application, contact the camp office by phone and will connect you with a referral agency.
What are the age ranges?
The ages are 7 to 16 years within the given camp year.
What if I cannot afford the registration fee?
The fee can be paid at a later date or in cases where it is too difficult we can make arrangements to have the fee waived.
Can my child attend more than one session?
No – in order to provide the opportunity to as many children as possible we limit the attendance to one session per summer.
Do you provide transportation to the camp?
Campers are picked up by bus at Argyle Mall on Monday mornings. Parents must arrange to pick up their child at the camp on Friday. A map will be provided with their confirmation.
I have more than one child, can they attend the same week?
Yes. Children from the same family can attend the same week.